K One Ventures LLP Приложения

SchoolBellQ* 18
K One Ventures LLP
SchoolBellQ*™ makes Parents SMART and Children SMARTER through anApp & Web based, SMART*™ communications platform. TheSchoolBellQ*™ connects Parents & Students to the school throughits proprietary software using an optimal mix of voice, SMS &data notifications that fosters highest level of collaborationbetween Parents and Teachers. This partnership between parents& school yields the best possible outcome for the studentshelping them realize their full potential. A true Potential -that’sjust not limited to academics but extends in the other realms oflife like sports, extracurricular activity etc - leading to anall-round personality development & fulfilling careers.Happiness, they say, is only incidental to the students who areenjoying a fulfilling & a rewarding school life. SchoolBellQ*™ensures that parents remain meaningfully immersed in their child’sschool life by bringing in regular, real-time, relevant,personalized updates and information from the school right into thepalm of their hands. From the daily homework exercise to theholiday list; Be it participating in Extracurricular activity ornominating self in the favorite sports; Be it smart graphicsrepresenting exam scores across the timeline or an incisiveanalysis into child’s overall personality development,SchoolBellQ*™ brings incredibly useful insights to help child’sholistic development. From the information on the broader aspectlike daily class schedule to the tiny, yet, critical details liketopics slated to be covered in the each forthcoming class;SchoolBellQ* is designed to deliver all the crucial informationlike this, helping students prepare for the upcoming classes.SchoolBellQ*™ enables cataloguing of all the study material sharedby school in all formats in a single tab. Students can access anddownload this anytime from a neatly arranged chapter wise tabthrough the website or the App. From the exam schedule to the testscores contrasted in comparison with median class performance tohelp you get a true benchmark for your child’s performance; Fromthe daily bus arrival inputs to the instant automated attendancenotification at the school entrance; SchoolBellQ*™ brings you uptospeed in real-time everyday. Be it an emergency message from theschool Principal or the regular grooming report of your child. Wecover it all with the same passion. Be it the convenience of payingschool fees from the comfort of your home through your favoritereward-points-earning credit card or that new debit card thatpromises cash-back on every transaction, SchoolBellQ*™ lets youbenefit from all such promotions, by opening up your access to allmodes of online payment. Whether its lavishing compliment on tosome school facility or a plain feedback aimed at bettering theschool services; getting yourself heard through participation inonline & in-app surveys has never been easier. You can do allthis and much more just at the tap of your finger on your mobile.These abundant advantages notwithstanding, SchoolBellQ*™ opens upendless possibilities of collaboration between school and parentsto help secure a happy future for your child by laying a strongfoundation in the crucial formative years of schooling.